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[FREE] UCC-1 Form Template for Trade Creditors

Download this free approved UCC-1 form for filing pursuant to the Uniform Commercial Code.

This UCC-1 form will be used by creditors in order to inform a debtor party that they have an interest in their personal property. This notice may be public in order to demonstrate the right of the creditor to take possession of certain properties in order to repay a debt. The form will only consist of one page, and it does not require a signature, witness, or notary. UCC-1 form is governed by the laws of the Uniform Commercial Code


  • 3 essential filer information to include in your UCC financing statement

  • Downloaded by 1000+ Finance Managers

  • 25 vital debtor information to include in your UCC-1 form

  • 10 key details to include in your secured party information tab

  • 12 critical details to include as collateral information


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About the Author


Jerry Bailey
Executive Sales & Education Manager
NCS Credit

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